Jackie Kennedy's Pink Suit: 6 Things You Didn't Know About the Iconic Look

From the designer to its current whereabouts, we take a look at the former first lady's legendary look

By Rose Curiel Nov 22, 2013 7:27 PMTags
Jackie KennedyArt Rickerby/Time & Life Pictures/Getty Images

There are few looks more iconic than Jackie Kennedy's pink suit and matching pillbox hat.

And while many of us may think we're pretty familiar with the outfit the former first lady wore on the day John F. Kennedy was assassinated on Nov. 22, 1963, the Today show has unveiled some pretty surprising facts about the historic suit 50 years after that tragic day in Dallas.

Here's what we learned:

1. Dress For Less: Though many think the boucle suit was a Chanel design, it was, in fact, a knockoff of sorts. To avoid political criticism and embrace a made-in-the-USA look, the first lady had an exact replica of the French fashion house's suit made stateside from authentic Chanel fabric.

PHOTOS: Taylor Swift's Jackie O Fashions

2. Familiar Fashion: Before Michelle Obama and Kate Middleton, Jackie O was the queen of shopping her closet. The brunette beauty had worn the pink number a total of six times prior to that fateful day.

3. Presidential Influence: Though it was Jackie who ultimately picked what she wore in Dallas, it was the president who told her personal assistant, Providencia Paredes, "Pack something light because it's supposed to be warm over there."

4. Star Style: In his last public speech, JFK acknowledged his wife's pull on the public in her stylish suit. He joked that for a trip to France, he introduced himself "as the man that accompanied Mrs. Kennedy to Paris" and that he was "getting somewhat the same sensation as I travel around Texas." He got a huge laugh when he quipped, "Nobody wonders what Lyndon and I wear."

5. Swearing-In Suit: Mrs. Kennedy refused to change out of her bloodstained suit for Lyndon Johnson's swearing-in as the new president. "No, I'm going to leave these clothes on," she said. "I want them to see what they have done to Jack."

6. Look on Lockdown: The pink suit—still bloodstained—currently sits at the National Archives—a gift from Caroline Kennedy—and will not be publicly displayed until 2103.